July 10th
7/10/19 We decided to move camp
somewhere else because a homeless person was shaking one of the tents. We
stayed in a public park where they were many people and many trails, along with
abandoned houses so it was a pretty bad spot, but that was all we could do.
After we left we ended up going to the warm springs fire management building
where we were given a great tour of the building. After we decided to go to
another area it was along the warm springs reservation and I just wanted to say
it was very beautiful, it almost reminded me of the reservation/ back home on
the Yakama reservation. After checking out the two areas one with healthy trees
plants and the other half had healthy trees but the plants were to old to eat
for the deer and elk. There we talked about all the interesting things like
maybe the fire greatly affected the plants and trees because they were no pine
needles and plants started to regrow just like huckleberries. Then after we
finished we headed over to the warm spring’s river located on the warm spring’s
reservation. There we had taken a break, ate lunch, walked, admired the river,
and some of us even jumped inside the river. We ended up staying for about 2
hours it was fun. In the end we found a place at the fire management building,
we asked them and thankfully they said yes. When we got back to our camp we had
chicken alfredo it was good. After we all worked on our blogs in the main fire
management building and talked about things such as the news, memes, funny
videos, and other stuff. Where we are staying today is much safer, secure, and
close so when we leave to out next destination it will be closer.
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