July 8th

On 7/8/19 We woke up to find that the breakfast crew had made chocolate chip pancakes. The seemed very sweet and high in sugar usually I am not picky but for me it was to much sugar. After we ended up cleaning up everything that was a bit slow, but we got it done in the end. After that we loaded up everything and started to head off, because our plan was to walk up potato hill and inspect or make observations as to why there are not many huckleberry bushes. (My theory) When I was a kid I noticed there was no trees on the flat part of the mountain so maybe when all the trees came out of nowhere they sucked all the water from the bushes. Then maybe they lit everything on fire to help out the growing process. But then as the bushes were growing they ended up dry or possibly could not grow due to the tress such as western larch, ponderosa pine, and pine trees. After we hiked up there was a long journey trying to get downhill. We ate lunch later then tried to go to Mosquito Lake, but I guess I misread the road, so the directions were a bit off because I thought we had to take a different road but all we had to do was to go and take the right road. After we went back to camp chaparral we decided to work on our blogs. After we did that we worked on an exercise where we create images of plants like a drawing, but it uses simple technology such as cardboard and paper, I wonder how it will turn out. After the little exercise my group which is group #3 had to cook I was told that it was going to be hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and veggie burgers. After we cooked, and everyone ate we all gathered by the fire telling stories of things from sasquatch encounters and scary stories we would tell each other, it was fun. Tomorrow we are supposed to go check all of our traps from ones close to Mount Adams Lake turnoff and a trap by the second spring. I hope we find things such as cougars, coyotes, bears, and maybe even Sasquatch or as some people call them the “Old Ones” because they were here during my ancestor’s time. In the end I hope to see things whether they be interesting or mysterious.


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