July 17th

On 7/17/19 We had cereal and some eggs and hash browns. After breakfast we made our lunch. After we made our lunch we decided to go to the Klamath tribe building where we watched a presentation of the Klamath, Modoc, Yahooskin. While watching the presentation I learned the Klamath and the other tribes have 5 different types of suckers, they were also a huge food source for specifically the Klamath people. The people who were presenting was a worker for the Klamath tribe he was named Alex Gonyaw and Brad Parish, a Heritage University Graduate and a tribal member of the Klamath and almost enrolled Yakama. After the presentation we went to go see the hatchery they have for the suckers there we saw from small to average to a little bigger. Next, we visited a dam, at the dam we saw wildlife such as ducks and ocean birds we also saw wild plums that were not ready yet, Alex said they would be ready in August. Soon after we left and made our way to the amp theater and noticed there was nobody, so we decided to take a walk through a trail to get our blood pumping and for some exercise. Later we were bitten by mosquitos and eventually made our way around the camp, it was fun, and I enjoyed it. I then told Yakama stories to a friend, I told about the Beaver, Coyote and Crow, Lamprey and Rattlesnake, Eagle and Coyote, Badger, and Tuttuthlia Rock. After that I looked to see if anyone was awake but to my surprise everyone was sleeping so I decided I would go to bed because tomorrow we would head to the beach. 


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